

It seems like there might be a typo in your question ("high tech zoon" instead of "high tech zoom"), but I'll provide information on how to write a privacy policy description for a mobile app on the Google Play Console.

A privacy policy is a legal document that informs users about how your app collects, uses, and manages their data. Google Play Console requires developers to provide a privacy policy for their apps, and it's essential to be transparent and clear about your data practices. Here's a basic template for a privacy policy description:

  1. Introduction:

    • Start with a brief introduction about your app and its purpose.
  2. Information Collected:

    • Clearly outline the types of information your app collects from users. This could include personal information (like names, email addresses) and non-personal information (like device information, usage statistics).
  3. How Information is Collected:

    • Explain the methods through which you collect user data. This could include user input, device sensors, or third-party services.
